Personality Quiz
Click the buttons below to discover your personality paradigm!
What animal would you choose to cuddle?
Historically cultures around the world pet cats to hear them purr, so I'll choose a cat.
I would liberate an abused circus elephant and then gently hug her trunk
48% of Americans own dogs so I'll snuggle a dog
I loved my childhood rabbit so I'll cuddle a rabbit
Whatever animal has the softest fur
The domestication process is unjust...but I'll cuddle a hamster
You're arguing with your significant other, what's your go-to move?
You're the victim! They must understand the injustice of their actions!
You say whatever comes to mind to placate them. We each have our own perspectives.
Argue until they acknowlege that you're correct!
Discuss the implications of their actions until they understand your perspective.
You debate it out! How can they change if they don't understand how their actions marginalized you!
Each person argues according to their own individual script. No one is correct but still we argue.
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